Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Luzula banksiana var. migrata (Buchenau) Edgar

Var. migrata (Buch.) Edgar in N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 1966, 170.

L. campestris (L.) DC. var. migrata Buch. in Öst. bot. Z.  48,  1898,  220.

L. campestris (L.) DC. var. floribunda Buch. in Pflanzenr.  25,  1906,  93.

L. migrata (Buch.) Ostenf. in Biol. Meddr  3, pt 2,  1921,  16, excl. descr.

Original localities: "Neuholland, Tasmania, Neuseeland". Type: WELT, 12612, Mt Egmont, 4,000 ft, T. F. Cheeseman 36.

Lvs (3)–5–8–(11) mm. wide, lamina often canaliculate just below the very dilated tip. Flowering stems (3)–10–30 cm. long, us. much > lvs. Infl. of ∞ clusters on peduncles 0.5–7 cm. long, or rarely a compact head; subtending bract us. < or occ. = infl. Fls (2)–2.5–3.5–(4) mm. long; tepals dark brown, with narrow, membr. margins. Capsule light brown to dark red-brown. 2n = 12.

DIST.: N. Southwards from lat. 37º 30'. S. Marlborough Sounds and on the western side as far south as lat. 45º.

Mountain districts to 1,700 m. altitude; commonly found on rock and also in tussock grassland.

L. campestris var. floribunda. Type: WELT, 12621, Rangitaipo, Teremakau, 3,500 ft. D. Petrie (1590/2 to K), Jan., 1893.

Distinguished by the many-clustered infl. of red-brown fls and the broad lvs.