Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Luzula banksiana var. orina Edgar

Var. orina Edgar in N.Z. J. Bot. 4, 1966, 171.

Type: CHR, 149563, near Lake Forsyth, rocky bank beside road to Little River, Canterbury, in stony ground in shade, E. Edgar, 20/10/1964.

Lvs 3–7 mm. wide, us. flaccid and drooping, former season's lvs long persisting. Flowering stems (10)–20–40 cm. long, ± = lvs. Infl. of 10–20 many-fld pedunculate clusters c. 5 × 5 mm., peduncles unequal in length, 1–13 cm. long; subtending bract ± = or > infl. Fls 2.7–3–(3.5) mm. long; tepals with a central light brown stripe c. ⅓ width of tepals, membr. margins cream. Capsule light greenish brown to very pale brown. 2n = 12.

DIST.: S. Marlborough, in drier parts and in Canterbury as far south as Porters Pass and Banks Peninsula to 1,400 m. altitude.

On rocky banks in bare soil, both near the coast and inland.

FL. 8–10.

When growing in shade this var. is most distinct with its ∞, broad lvs and large, many-clustered, pale-fld infl. Plants growing in sun have darker fls and can be distinguished from  var. migrata only by their larger size, longer lvs and larger infls, and from  var. rhadina by their broader lvs and larger fls.

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