Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Carex elingamita Hamlin

C. elingamita Hamlin in T.R.S.N.Z. 85, 1958, 393.

Type: WELT, 2703, T. F. Cheeseman, Nov., 1889.

Culms up to 100 cm. × c. 1.5 mm., trigonous, smooth; basal bracts light brown. Lvs < culms, 5–10 mm. wide, double-folded, margins finely scabrid. Infl. of c. 10 compound or simple spikes, the lower ± distant on long erect peduncles; terminal spike male, remaining spikes female below, 6–8 cm. × c. 5 mm., upper third of each spike male. Glumes = or < utricles, linear-lanceolate, membr. with red-brown flecks, truncate or almost emarginate, midrib produced to a strongly scabrid awn. Utricles 4–4.5 mm. long, trigonous, elliptic-lanceolate, strongly nerved, erect or slightly recurved, membr., grey-green, margins glab.; beak slightly > 1.5 mm. long, margins glab., orifice scabrid, not oblique. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 mm. long, trigonous, ovoid, red-brown.

DIST.: Three Kings Is.

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