Volume II (1970) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Monocotyledons except Graminae
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Carex ×longiculmis Petrie

C. longiculmis Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 14, 1882, 363.

Known only from the type locality, Glory Cove, Paterson's Inlet. Neotype: WELT, 12112, D. Petrie; selected by Hamlin (Rec. Dom. Mus., Wellington 6, 1968, 106).

Robust, densely tufted, pale green. Culms 60–115 cm. × 1–2.5 mm., ± terete or subtrigonous, smooth. Lvs < or = culms, 2–5 mm. wide, double-folded, coriac., margins smooth, except at the tip. Infl. of 5–7 pale brown spikes, the lowermost us. distant, often pedunculate, the rest more approximate, sessile; terminal spike male, 4–6 cm. × 2–3 mm., occ. with a smaller male spike at its base; remaining spikes female, 1.5–5 × c. 1 cm., with a few male fls at the base or rarely at the top; subtending bracts lfy, much > infl. Glumes = or slightly > utricles, ovate, entire or emarginate, membr., light red-brown with paler brown nerves, midrib light brown, produced to a stout cuspidate scabrid awn. Utricles 4–4.5 × c. 2 mm., biconvex, oblong-ovoid, faintly nerved except for the distinct lateral nerves, dark brown above, yellow-brown towards the stipe; abruptly narrowed to a stout beak c. 1 mm. long, bidentate with spreading crura, glab., orifice rarely slightly scabrid; stipe c. 0.5 mm. long, stout. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 mm. long, trigonous, oblong-obovoid, dark brown.

DIST.: St.

Similar to C. litorosa but larger in all respects.

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