Senecioneae Cass.
Annual or perennial herbs, shrubs, trees, or climbers, not usually strongly scented, lacking latex. Lvs usually alternate, rarely opposite, whorled or all basal. Involucral bracts usually in 1-2 rows, rarely more, usually foliaceous, sometimes subtended at base by small supplementary bracts. Receptacle without scales. Capitula usually ⚥, rarely unisexual, either heteromorphic with 1-(several) rows of ligulate ray florets and actinomorphic disc florets, or homomorphic-discoid. Anthers rounded, acute or sagittate at base. Style branches usually each with 2 stigmatic lines, sometimes lines fused. Achenes usually homomorphic, rarely heteromorphic, often with c. 10 ribs, terete or compressed; pappus of 1-few rows of smooth or toothed hairs, sometimes caducous or 0.
c. 100 genera, 3000 spp., cosmopolitan.
The treatment provided here follows Nordenstam, B., in Heywood et al. (op. cit.). The placement of many indigenous spp. differs from that adopted by Allan (1961) : Abrotanella is placed in the Senecioneae rather than the Anthemideae, Australasian erechtitoid senecios are treated in Senecio, and the separation of cacalioid genera from Senecio is accepted following Nordenstam, B., Op. Bot. (Lund) 44 : 1-84 (1978).