Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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ζbrachyglottis Forster f. emend.

ζBrachyglottis Forster et Forster f. emend. R. Nordenstam

ζBrachyglottis Forster et Forster f. emend. R. Nordenstam ζ includes all of the indigenous shrubs and some herbs previously included in Senecio. The genus comprises 1 Tasmanian and 30 N.Z. spp.; the N.Z. spp. are listed by Connor, H. E. and Edgar, E., New Zealand J. Bot. 25 : 150-151 (1987). Drury, D. G., ibid. 11 : 731-784 (1973), provided an annotated key to the indigenous spp. of shrubby Senecioneae and their wild and garden hybrids. Nordenstam (1978, op. cit.) erected the monotypic Urostemon for the plant treated by Allan (1961) as Senecio kirkii. However, it is not sufficiently distinct to be accorded generic rank and has been included in Brachyglottis (Webb, in Connor and Edgar, op. cit.).

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