Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Synopsis of Classes and Orders



Families indigenous in New Zealand are listed and for each the number of genera recognized in this country is given with (in parentheses) the names of endemic genera. The terms Filicopsida and Spermatopsida are adopted from Newman (T.R.S.N.Z. 77, Part 5, 1949, 157). The arrangement of ferns is based on the classification on Holttum (Biol. Rev. 24, 1949, 267-296) and the sequence of families of Dicotyledones follows approximately that of Hutchinson in "The Families of Flowering Plants 1", 1926.

    • Sporophyte with dichotomously branched axis not differentiated into roots, stems and lvs. Vascular system proto- to siphono-stelic; primary xylem exarch or mesarch. Homosporous; sporangia axillary or terminal.
    • 1. PSILOTALES. 
      • Sporangia 2-4 mm. diam., on sporangiophores subtended by bifid branch or axis. Gametophyte subterranean, long-lived, monoec
      • PSILOTACEAE: 2.
    • Sporophyte with us. dichotomously branched axis differentiated into roots, stems and lvs. Vascular system proto- or siphono-stelic; primary xylem exarch. Lvs small. Homosporous or heterosporous; sporangia solitary and axillary or superficial or terminal in strobili. Gametophyte monoec. or dioec.
      • Terrestrial or epiphytic herbs with eligulate lvs; homosporous. Sporangia mostly in strobili. Gametophyte subterranean or partly so, us. monoec
    • 2. ISOETALES. 
      • Aquatic herbs with thickened corm-like axis. Lvs linear, crowded, with large air-chambers. Heterosporous; sporangia immersed in lf-base. Gametophyte minute, retained within the walls of the spore
      • ISOETACEAE: 1.
    • Sporophyte with considerable range of forms. Vascular system simple to complex. Lvs simple to decompound. Fertile and infertile lvs sts sharply differentiated. Mostly homosporous with minute spores; sporangia scattered or in distinct sori, these sts confluent, marginal or abaxial, indusiate or not. Annulus vestigial to well-developed. Gametophyte thalloid to filamentous.
      • Terrestrial herbs with fleshy roots. Lvs solitary or few; vernation straight; stipes fleshy, glab., bearing a foliaceous sterile seg. and a simple to compound fertile seg. Homosporous; sporangia developing from several cells, walls > 1 cell thick (eusporangiate), dehiscing by a slit; annulus absent; spores ∞, thick-walled. Gametophyte fleshy, subterranean
      • Lvs ∞, attached to globose stock by enlarged stipulate joint; pinnae jointed to axis; vernation circinate. Homosporous; sporangia developed from several cells, walls > 1 cell thick (eusporangiate); arranged in a double row and fused to form a synangium; dehiscing by a vertical slit
      • MARATTIACEAE: 1.
    • 3. FILICALES 
    • 4. MARSILEALES. 
      • Aquatic or semi-aquatic plants with creeping rhizomes and lvs with circinate vernation. Heterosporous; sporangia in stalked hardened sporocarps at petiole base, each sporocarp containing a number of indusiate sori, microsporangia and megasporangia in the same sorus
      • MARSILEACEAE: 1.
    • 5. SALVINIALES. 
      • Aquatic plants with floating stems and small lvs. Heterosporous; indusium highly developed forming a sporocarp on a submerged part of a lf, microsporangia and megasporangia in separate sporocarps
      • AZOLLACEAE: 1.
      • Mostly woody evergreens, wood us. without vessels, often resinous. Pollen sacs and ovules us. arranged in strobili, ovules borne on surface of and not enclosed by sporophylls.
      • 1. CONIFERALES. 
        • Lvs simple, mostly needle-like or scale-like, resin canals us. present. Us. monoec. Seeds in a woody cone or solitary and berry-like or arillate. Male strobili simple, sperm cells eciliate, not motile
      • Sporophytes of very varied form and structure; wood of majority with vessels. Fls with or without perianth. Carpels enclosing ovules, one or several together forming an ovary with terminal stigmatic area. Microsporangia borne on a microsporophyll or stamen us. consisting of anther and filament. After pollination of the stigma and fertilization, the ovules develop into seeds and the ovary wall into the fruit coat.
        • Embryonic plant with 2 cotyledons. Plants woody to herbaceous. Vascular bundles of stem us. arranged in a circle (in cross section). Lvs mainly with reticulate venation. Fls with parts ∞ to pentamerous or tetramerous. For convenience the Dicotyledones are often grouped into (a) Archichlamydeae, with petals free or absent (Orders 1-36), (b) Metachlamydeae, with petals united into a tube (Orders 37-53).
        • 1. MAGNOLIALES. 
          • Woody plants with hypogynous, mostly perfect fls. Stamens ∞, free (rarely connate). Endosperm plentiful; embryo minute. Lvs stipulate or not, simple, us. alt
          • WINTERACEAE:  1 (Pseudowintera).
        • 2. LAURALES. 
          • Woody plants with hypogynous to perigynous, perfect or unisexual fls lacking petals. Stamens definite, free. Endosperm us. present; embryo small to minute. Lvs simple, exstipulate, alt. or opp
          • LAURACEAE: 3, MONIMIACEAE: 2.
        • 3. RANALES. 
          • Predominantly herbaceous plants with mostly hypogynous perfect fls. Petals us. present; stamens indefinite, us. ∞, free. Ovary apocarpous. Seeds with cop. endosperm and minute embryo. Lvs mostly alt. and exstipulate, simple to decompound
          • RANUNCULACEAE: 5.
        • 4. PIPERALES. 
          • Herbaceous to woody plants with hypogynous to epigynous fls. Perianth us. absent. Ovary mostly superior; carpels us. united; placentation parietal to subaxile. Seeds with cop. endosperm and minute embryo. Lvs us. stipulate, alt. or opp
        • 5. CRUCIALES. 
          • Herbaceous to woody plants with hypogynous fls. Sepals and petals 4; stamens 6 (4 long and 2 short). Ovary with 2 parietal placentae, us. divided by a "false" septum. Lvs exstipulate, mostly alt
          • CRUCIFERAE:  7 (Ischnocarpus, Notothlaspi, Pachycladon).
        • 6. VIOLALES. 
          • Woody to herbaceous plants with hypogynous to perigynous fls, us. zygomorphic. Petals sts divided; stamens few to several. Ovary with parietal placentation. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs us. alt., stipulate
          • VIOLACEAE: 3.
        • 7. SAXIFRAGALES. 
          • Herbs with actinomorphic mostly perigynous fls. Petals present; stamens definite, free. Ovary apocarpous to syncarpous with axile placentation. Seeds with cop. endosperm and small embryo. Lvs radical, alt. or opp., exstipulate
          • CRASSULACEAE: 1.
        • 8. SARRACENIALES. 
          • Insectivorous herbs with actinomorphic fls. Perianth uniseriate or biseriate; stamens few to ∞. Ovary syncarpous with parietal or axile placentation. Lvs us. alt., us. with glandular viscid hairs
          • DROSERACEAE: 1.
        • 9. CARYOPHYLLALES. 
          • Herbs with hypogynous to perigynous perfect actinomorphic fls. Petals us. present; stamens us. definite. Ovary syncarpous with axile to free-central placentation. Seeds with cop. endosperm and curved embryo. Lvs us. opp. to verticillate, stipulate or not
        • 10. POLYGONALES. 
          • Herbaceous to woody plants, including lianes. Fls us. perfect and actinomorphic. Petals absent. Ovary 1-celled, 1-ovuled. Seeds with cop. endosperm and straight or curved embryo. Lvs alt. or opp., stipules us. present, often sheathing
          • ILLECEBRACEAE:  1 (?), POLYGONACEAE: 3.
        • 11. CHENOPODIALES. 
          • Herbaceous to woody plants. Fls us. perfect and actinomorphic. Petals absent. Carpels ∞ to solitary, free to connate. Seeds us. with curved embryo. Lvs alt. or opp., us. exstipulate
        • 12. GERANIALES. 
          • Herbaceous to suffrutescent plants with perfect hypogynous actinomorphic to zygomorphic fls. Petals present; stamens as many as to twice as many as petals. Ovary syncarpous with axile placentation; ovules solitary or few. Seeds mostly with straight embryo, lacking endosperm. Lvs alt. or radical, simple to decompound, us. stipulate
        • 13. LYTHRALES. 
          • Herbaceous to woody plants with perfect, actinomorphic, perigynous to epigynous fls. Petals present; stamens as many as or twice as many as petals. Ovary with axile placentation. Seeds us. lacking endosperm. Lvs simple, us. opp., exstipulate
        • 14. THYMELAEALES. 
          • Mostly woody plants with actinomorphic to slightly zygomorphic perfect to unisexual, often subcapitate, fls. Calyx often petaloid; petals absent or staminodal. Ovary us. of a single carpel; ovules few to solitary. Seeds us. with endosperm and straight embryo. Lvs alt. or opp., exstipulate
        • 15. PROTEALES. 
          • Shrubs or trees with perfect or unisexual perigynous fls. Calyx often petaloid; petals absent; stamens 4 opp. lobes of calyx. Ovary 1-celled. Seeds without endosperm. Lvs us. alt., exstipulate
          • PROTEACEAE: 2.
        • 16. CORIARIALES. 
          • Suffrutescent to completely woody plants with perfect or unisexual actinomorphic hypogynous fls. Sepals imbricate; petals present; stamens 10, free. Ovary apocarpous with solitary pendulous ovule. Seeds with thin endosperm and straight embryo. Lvs simple, opp. or verticillate, exstipulate
          • CORIARIACEAE: 1.
        • 17. PITTOSPORALES. 
          • Shrubs, trees or occ. lianes. Fls us. perfect, actinomorphic, hypogynous. Petals present; stamens as many as or twice as many as the petals, free. Ovary syncarpous with parietal to axile placentation. Seeds with cop. endosperm and minute embryo. Lvs alt. to verticillate, simple, exstipulate
          • PITTOSPORACEAE: 1.
        • 18. PASSIFLORALES. 
          • Herbs or slightly woody plants, often lianes. Fls perfect to unisexual, actinomorphic, often in pairs, us. hypogynous, us. with a corona. Stamens 5 or more. Ovary 1-celled with 3-5 parietal placentae. Seeds with or without endosperm; embryo sts large. Fr. often stipitate. Lvs alt., often lobed, stipulate or not
          • PASSIFLORACEAE:  1 (Tetrapathaea).
        • 19. CUCURBITALES. 
          • Mainly herbaceous, often lianoid and climbing by tendrils. Fls unisexual, epigynous, actinomorphic or zygomorphic. Petals generally present; stamens ∞ to few. Ovary us. tricarpellate with parietal or axile placentation. Seeds with scanty or no endosperm. Lvs alt., us. lobed
          • CUCURBITACEAE: 1.
        • 20. MYRTALES. 
          • Mostly trees or shrubs with actinomorphic or zygomorphic perfect to polygamous fls. Petals mostly 4-5; stamens us. ∞, sts grouped into bundles. Ovary inferior, 1-∞-celled, with mostly axile placentation. Seeds with scanty or no endosperm. Lvs mostly opp, often gland-dotted
          • MYRTACEAE:  5 (Lophomyrtus, Neomyrtus).
        • 21. GUTTIFERALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs to suffrutescent or herbaceous plants. Fls pentamerous to tetramerous, perfect to unisexual, hypogynous, actinomorphic. Sepals imbricate; petals present; stamens ∞, often united into bundles. Ovary 1-several-celled with ∞, axile or pendulous ovules. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs opp. or verticillate, simple, often gland-dotted, stipules absent or small
          • HYPERICACEAE: 1.
        • 22. TILIALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with us. stellate indumentum. Fls perfect to unisexual, hypogynous, actinomorphic. Calyx valvate; petals present; stamens mostly ∞, free to monadelphous. Ovary with axile placentation. Seeds with cop. endosperm. Lvs simple to compound, mostly alt., stipulate
          • ELAEOCARPACEAE: 2, TILIACEAE:  1 (Entelea).
        • 23. MALVALES. 
          • Herbs or shrubs with us. stellate indumentum. Fls actinomorphic mostly perfect. Sepals 3-5, ± united, valvate; bracteoles (epicalyx) us. present; petals 5; stamens ∞, monadelphous; anthers 1-celled. Ovary 2- or several-celled. Seed us. with endosperm. Lvs alt., stipulate, mostly palmately nerved
          • MALVACEAE:  3 (Hoheria).
        • 24. EUPHORBIALES. 
          • Herbs, shrubs or trees, often with cop. latex. Fls hypogynous, unisexual, actinomorphic. Calyx us. present, imbricate or valvate; petals us. absent; stamens ∞ to solitary. Ovary with axile placentation. Seeds with cop. endosperm. Lvs mostly simple and stipulate
          • EUPHORBIACEAE: 3.
        • 25. CUNONIALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with mostly perfect perigynous to epigynous fls. Petals us. present, free; stamens many to few. Carpels free or united, with parietal or axile placentation. Seeds us. with cop. endosperm and small embryo. Lvs alt. or opp. or whorled, mostly stipulate
          • CUNONIACEAE: 2, ESCALLONIACEAE:  3 (Ixerba).
        • 26. ROSALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or herbs with mostly perfect actinomorphic fls. Petals free; stamens perigynous to epigynous, mostly free. Carpels free or united with ovary inferior. Seeds without endosperm. Lvs mostly opp., simple or compound, stipulate
          • ROSACEAE: 4.
        • 27. LEGUMINALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or herbs with actinomorphic to zygomorphic us. perfect fls. Petals free to partly united; stamens ∞ to few, free to connate, often diadelphous. Carpel solitary, superior, forming a legume. Seeds without endosperm. Lvs simple to bipinnate, stipulate or not
          • PAPILIONACEAE:  8 (Chordospartium, Corallospartium, Notospartium).
        • 28. FAGALES. 
          • Shrubs or trees with monoec. fls in catkin-like spikes or pistillate ones like cones. Calyx reduced or 0; stamens 2-∞. Ovary inferior, 2-6-celled; ovules 1-2 in each cell, pendulous. Seeds without endosperm. Buds perulate; lvs alt., simple, stipulate
          • FAGACEAE: 1.
        • 29. URTICALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or herbs with perfect or unisexual fls. Calyx small; petals absent; stamens few, often inflexed when immature. Ovary superior, 1-2-celled; ovule solitary. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs us. alt. and stipulate
          • MORACEAE: 1, URTICACEAE: 5.
        • 30. CELASTRALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or lianes with actinomorphic perfect fls. Petals us. present, imbricate, free to partly connate; stamens definite, alt. with petals; disk present. Ovary superior to partly immersed; ovules 1-2. Seeds with endosperm. Lvs alt. or opp., simple; stipules small or absent
        • 31. SANTALALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or herbs, often parasites or hemiparasites, with actinomorphic fls. Calyx us. valvate, often small; petals present or absent; stamens definite, opp. lobes of calyx or opp. petals; disk often present. Ovary inferior with axile placentation; ovules few. Seeds with cop. endosperm and straight embryo. Lvs us. opp., sts scale-like, exstipulate
          • SANTALACEAE: 2, LORANTHACEAE:  5 (Tupeia), BALANOPHORACEAE:  1 (Dactylanthus).
        • 32. RHAMNALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or lianes with often unisexual fls. Petals present or absent; stamens in 1 whorl, alt. with sepals. Ovary with us. 1-2 ascending ovules. Seeds with cop. to scanty endosperm. Lvs alt. or opp., simple to compound, mostly stipulate
          • RHAMNACEAE: 2.
        • 33. RUTALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or lianes, rarely herbaceous, with hypogynous to perigynous mostly perfect fls. Sepals us. imbricate; petals contorted to valvate, free or basally connate; disk us. conspicuous. Ovary superior, syncarpous or nearly so; ovules 1-2. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs simple or compound, often gland-dotted, rarely stipulate
          • RUTACEAE: 2.
        • 34. MELIALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with actinomorphic mostly perfect fls. Calyx us. imbricate; petals free or partly connate, sts adnate to staminal tube; stamens us. 8-10; filaments mostly connate; anthers often sessile in the tube. Ovary superior, us. 3-5-celled, with mostly 2 ovules. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs alt., us. pinnate
          • MELIACEAE: 1.
        • 35. SAPINDALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with hypogynous to slightly perigynous actinomorphic to zygomorphic fls, often unisexual. Sepals imbricate; petals us. present; disk present. Ovary superior, with 1-2 ovules in each cell; placentation axile. Seeds us. without endosperm. Lvs us. pinnate, rarely stipulate
          • ANACARDIACEAE:  1 (Plectomirtha), SAPINDACEAE: 2.
        • 36. UMBELLALES. 
          • Plants woody to herbaceous. Fls mostly small, us. in determinate simple or compound umbels. Floral parts often reduced; stamens definite. Ovary inferior, often of 2 carpels each with 1 ovule. Seeds us. with cop. endosperm. Lvs often decompound, stipulate or not
          • ARALIACEAE:  6 (Neopanax, Stilbocarpa, Kirkophytum), CORNACEAE:  2 (Corokia), UMBELLI-FERAE:  14 (Coxella). The disposition of the three families is much disputed.
        • 37. ERICALES. 
          • Shrubby to suffrutescent plants including some parasites or hemiparasites. Fls us. perfect, actinomorphic. Stamens us. twice as many as corolla-lobes; anthers often opening by pores. Ovary superior to inferior with axile placentation. Seeds with small embryo and cop. endosperm. Lvs simple, us. alt., exstipulate
          • ERICACEAE: 2, EPACRIDACEAE: 5.
        • 38. EBENALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with actinomorphic perfect to unisexual fls. Petals imbricate, united; stamens epipetalous, rarely hypogynous, 1-4 times as many as lobes of corolla. Ovary superior, cells with 1-2 axile ovules. Seeds with much to little endosperm. Lvs alt., entire, exstipulate
          • SAPOTACEAE: 1.
        • 39. MYRSINALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs with perfect or unisexual actinomorphic small fls. Sepals 4-6, us. basally connate; petals us. connate, corolla with 4-6 lobes; stamens the same number as and opp. the corolla-lobes, us. epipetalous. Ovary superior to semi-inferior with 4-6 locules; placentation axile to free-central or basal. Embryo cylindrical; endosperm cop. Lvs mostly alt., simple and gland-dotted
          • MYRSINACEAE:  2 (Elingamita).
        • 40. LOGANIALES. 
          • Trees or shrubs or rarely herbs with actinomorphic us. perfect fls. Sepals us. valvate; petals us. united, rarely absent; stamens epipetalous, alt. with lobes of corolla or reduced to 1. Ovary superior, 2-4-celled; ovules us. ∞. Seeds with endosperm and straight embryo. Lvs us. simple, opp., stipulate or not
          • OLEACEAE: 1, LOGANIACEAE: 3.
        • 41. APOCYNALES. 
          • Woody or herbaceous plants, sts lianoid, with perfect actinomorphic fls. Calyx often glandular; petals connate into tube; stamens same number as lobes of corolla; corona often present. Carpels 2, often free or becoming so in fr.; disk us. present. Seeds us. with straight embryo and with endosperm. Lvs opp., simple, exstipulate
          • APOCYNACEAE: 1.
        • 42. RUBIALES. 
          • Trees, shrubs or herbs with actinomorphic to zygomorphic perfect to unisexual fls. Calyx adnate to ovary; petals united; stamens epipetalous, alt. with lobes of corolla or fewer. Ovary inferior, syncarpous, with axile placentation; ovules ∞-1. Seeds mostly with endosperm. Lvs opp., us. stipulate (the stipules inter- or intra-petiolar) and entire
          • CAPRIFOLIACEAE:  1 (Alseuosmia), RUBIACEAE: 3.
        • 43. ASTERALES. 
          • Woody to herbaceous plants of varied form with fls mostly crowded into heads surrounded by an involucre of bracts (phyllaries). Corolla gamopetalous; anthers mostly united round the style. Ovary inferior, mostly 1-celled with 1 ovule. Lvs of very varied form
          • COMPOSITAE:  29 (Pleurophyllum, Pachystegia, Haastia, Leucogenes, Brachyglottis, Traversia, Kirkianella).
        • 44. GENTIANALES. 
          • Herbs with actinomorphic us. perfect fls. Corolla gamopetalous; stamens epipetalous, the same number as and alt. with the lobes of the corolla; disk often present. Ovary superior, 1-celled with parietal placentation; ovules ∞. Seeds with cop. endosperm and small embryo. Lvs opp., simple
          • GENTIANACEAE: 3.
        • 45. PRIMULALES. 
          • Herbs, occ. lianoid, with mostly actinomorphic perfect fls. Petals connate, imbricate; stamens epipetalous, the same number as and opp. the lobes of the corolla. Ovary superior, 1-celled; placentation free-basal; ovules ∞ to solitary. Seeds with or without endosperm. Lvs mostly simple, exstipulate
          • PRIMULACEAE: 1.
        • 46. PLANTAGINALES. 
          • Herbs with us. perfect, actinomorphic fls in spikes. Calyx 4-lobed; corolla 3-4-lobed, scarious; stamens mostly 4, on tube of corolla alt. with lobes, sts hypogynous. Ovary superior, 1-4-celled; ovules 1 to few in each cell on axile or basal placentae. Fr. us. a circumscissile capsule. Endosperm fleshy. Lvs all radical, simple, often sheathing at base
          • PLANTAGINA-CEAE: 1.
        • 47. CAMPANULALES. 
          • Herbaceous to suffrutescent plants with epigynous actinomorphic to zygomorphic perfect to unisexual fls. Stamens free from or inserted towards base of corolla; anthers free to connivent. Ovary inferior; ovules us. ∞ on axile placentae. Endosperm often cop. Lvs us. alt., simple and exstipulate
        • 48. BORAGINALES. 
          • Herbs, shrubs or trees with mainly perfect actinomorphic fls often in cymes. Corolla with contorted or imbricate lobes; stamens same number as lobes and alt., with them; disk often present. Ovary superior, 2-4-celled, deeply 4-lobed to entire; style gynobasic to terminal; ovules paired, axile. Seeds without or with endosperm. Lvs mostly alt., simple and exstipulate
          • BORAGINACEAE:  2 (Myosotidium).
        • 49. SOLANALES. 
          • Herbs to softly woody plants, some lianes, with actinomorphic perfect fls. Stamens the same number as and alt. with the lobes of the corolla. Ovary superior, (1)-2-(4)-celled; ovules ∞ to solitary; placentation axile. Seeds mostly with endosperm and often curved embryo. Lvs alt., simple or lobed, exstipulate
        • 50. PERSONALES. 
          • Herbs, shrubs or trees, some parasitic plants, with us. zygomorphic perfect to unisexual fls. Stamens fewer than lobes of corolla, often 4 or 2. Ovules ∞; placentation axile to parietal. Lvs of varied form and arrangement
          • SCROPHULARIACEAE:  11 (Parahebe, Pygmea), BIGNONIACEAE: 1, GESNERIACEAE:  1 (Rhabdothamnus), LENTIBULARIACEAE: 1.
        • 51. LAMIALES. 
          • Herbs, shrubs or trees with perfect zygomorphic to rarely sub-actinomorphic fls. Calyx and corolla us. 4-5-lobed; stamens 4-2. Ovary superior, 2-celled, often deeply lobed with gynobasic style; ovules mostly paired. Fr. a drupe or berry. Endosperm us. scanty. Lvs mostly opp. or whorled, us. simple and exstipulate
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