Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Fallopia Adans.


Annual or perennial climbing herbs or shrubs; stem annual. Ochreae well-developed, scarious. Lvs cauline, cordate-sagittate or deltate. Infl. lax, terminal or axillary, spike-like or paniculate; fls ⚥. Pedicels jointed. Perianth segments 5-(6), ovate or elliptic, free, moderately accrescent, pale green, white, pink, or rose, the outer 3 larger and keeled or winged. Stamens 8. Stigmas 3, subsessile, capitate. Fr. a trigonous nut, not exceeding perianth, spineless.


Annual with herbaceous stems; fls terminal or axillary, in small fascicles or short racemes; perianth pale green or greenish white
Perennial with ± woody stems; fls in large, diffuse, terminal panicles; perianth white or slightly pinkish

c. 7 spp., N. temperate regions. Naturalised spp. 2.

Fallopia is often included in Polygonum, but Roberty, G. and Vautier, S., Boissiera 10: 54-55 (1964), accepted Fallopia at generic rank as Bilderdyckia Dumortier, mainly because of the climbing habit and the presence of either a keel or a decurrent wing on the accrescent outer perianth segments.

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