Antenoron filiforme
ζ*Antenoron filiforme (Thunb.) Roberty et Vaut. ζ*, jumpseed, has been collected wild at Ngaiotonga (Bay of Islands). A clump-forming, brownish hirsute perennial with knotted rhizomes; stems to 50 cm tall; lvs large, entire, elliptic, usually with a dark crescent-shaped band above the base; racemes slender, up to c. 25 cm high, with appressed hairs; fls 2-3 together, on very short pedicels; perianth crimson, accrescent. Styles long-exserted, persistent and becoming indurate, hooked at apex; nut enclosed by perianth. This cultivated, ornamental sp. is often treated as a var. of the American A. virginianum (L.) Roberty et Vaut. and is sometimes included in Polygonum L. It was first recorded as Tovara filiformis. (Japan, 1983).