Chaenothecopsis lignicola
≡Calicium lignicolum Nádv., Preslia 18/19: 128 (1940).
Description : Parasitic or parasymbiontic on lichen thalli, especially species of Chaenotheca, or on free-living algae. Apothecia of intermediate size, 0.4–0.9 mm tall. Stalk in incident light dark-brown to black, straight; rather thin, 0.04–0.1-mm diam., outer parts yellowish brown of irregularly interwoven hyphae, central part hyaline, of irregularly interwoven but mainly periclinal hyphae; inner parts with varying amounts of a yellow pigment present as oily droplets or poorly defined crystals. All brown-pigmented parts K+ violet-red fading to greeenish brown. Capitulum lenticular to hemispherical, black, 0.15–0.35 mm diam. Epithecium thin, medium-brown. Hypothecium hyaline to yellowish brown, 55–65 μm thick. Exciple well developed, consisting of 4–5 layers of yellowish brown, parallel, elongated hyphae enclosing lower part of ascoma. Asci rather small, 31–36 × 2.7–3.8 μm; apex distinct, 2–3 μm long, penetrated by a narrow canal. Ascospores periclinally arranged or slightly oblique, smooth, ellipsoidal, 1-septate, 5.4–6.5 × 2.2–2.7 μm, septum less distinct than wall.
N: Taranaki (Mt Taranaki), Wellington (Kaimanawa Forest Park, Ohakune). On lignum (decorticated trunk) of Libocedrus bidwillii, 640–990 m. Widely distributed in Europe, Asia and North America (Tibell 1987).
Illustration : Tibell (1987: 129, fig. 93).
* Chaenothecopsis lignicola is characterised by: the presence of a yellow pigment in the apothecia that yields a K+ violet-red reaction (fading rapidly); the small and smooth spores with a thin septum, and frequent association as a parasite on species of Chaenotheca.