Chaenothecopsis Vain.
Type : Chaenothecopsis rubescens Vain.
Description : Saprobic or parasitic, lichenised thallus lacking. Ascomata apothecia, stalked or sessile, black to brownish black or with a paler stalk. Capitulum obovoid to lenticular. Mazedium not developed. Exciple ±well-developed, of dark-brown, periclinally arranged hyphae. Hymenium covered by a thin dark epithecium. Stalk formed of pale, intricately woven or of periclinally arranged, dark-brown hyphae. Asci formed singly from ascogenous hyphae with croziers, cylindrical to subclavate, 25–55 μm long, persisting until ascospores mature; apex strongly thickened and penetrated by a very fine canal or, in some species, with a short and wide canal or uniformly thickened and with no canal. Ascospores uniseriate, simple or 1-septate, dark-brown to pale-brown or with an aeruginose cast, ellipsoidal to dusiform; wall of medium thickness, smooth or minutely verrucose.
Chaenothecopsis is a cosmopolitan genus of cool temperate to temperate regions, having some 56 described species (Tibell & Ryan 2004h), accommodated in the family Mycocaliciaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005). Species occur as saprobes, parasymbionts or parasites on various lichens, bark and lignum, with a few species occurring on rocks in shaded habitats. Many species are found on other calicioid lichens especially on species of Calicium and Chaenotheca. Other species grow as parasites on free-living algae or on the exudates of vascular plants. Fifteen species are known from New Zealand (Tibell 1987). For detailed information on the genus worldwide see Tibell (1982, 1984b, 1987, 1991, 1994, 1998a, 1999c), Tibell & Thor (2003), Tibell & Ryan (2004h) and Titov et al. (2004).