Lichens A-Pac (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition A-Pac
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Chaenothecopsis tasmanica

C. tasmanica Tibell, Publ. Herb. Univ. Uppsala 16: 6 (1985).

Description : On thallus of species of Chaenotheca, or on crusts of free-living algae. Apothecia 0.5–0.7 mm tall. Capitulum black, lenticular to hemispherical or irregular, 0.18–0.28 mm diam. Stalk 0.04–0.07 mm diam., dark-brown to black, shining, central parts hyaline, of irregularly interwoven, thick hyphae, c. 3 μm diam., outer parts reddish brown to greenish brown. Epithecium reddish brown. Hypothecium pale- to medium-brown, 85–110 μm thick. Exciple reddish brown, 9–13 μm thick, of an inner layer of parallel, thin hyphae in 6–8 layers and an outer part of strongly intertwined hyphae. Epithecium, exciple and stalk K+ yellowish to reddish brown. Hypothecium K+ yellowish brown. Stalk swelling strongly in K. Asci 35–42 × 2.2–3.3 μm, cylindrical, apex thickened and penetrated by a fine canal. Ascospores medium-brown, ellipsoidal, 1-septate, smooth, 6–7.6 × 2.2–2.7 μm; septum strongly pigmented.

N: Wellington (Ohakune). S: Nelson (Ruby Lake) on species of Chaenotheca, 900–930 m, known also from Tasmania (Tibell 1987: 161; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).


Exsiccati : Tibell (1986: No. 137).

Illustrations : Tibell (1987: 169, fig. 119; 162, fig. 120); Goward (1999: 92, fig 25A).

* Chaenothecopsis tasmanica is similar to C. nigra in having a very distinct septum, but differs in having larger and darker spores, shorter apothecia with rather short stalks, and in having a stalk consisting of hyaline, strongly swollen and intertwined hyphae.

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