Rhamnus L.
Shrubs or small trees, mainly deciduous, often spiny; indumentum of simple hairs or 0. Winter buds with scales. Lvs with small, mostly caducous stipules, alternate or opposite, small to large, often with basal pair of veins more prominent. Fls small, in axillary racemes, cymose umbels or fascicles, usually unisexual (plants dioecious or monoecious), 4-(5)-merous. Calyx lobes triangular. Petals often folded to form a hood, shortly clawed, sometimes 0. Stamens ± included. Staminodes present in ♀ fls. Ovary 2-4-celled, free from disc; styles 2-4; stigmas small, simple. Fr. a drupe with 2-4, nutlet-like pyrenes. Seed furrowed; germination epigeal.
c. 100 spp., mainly temperate N. Hemisphere but a few spp. in the tropics and subtropics, excluding Australasia and Oceania. Naturalised sp. 1.