Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Eryngium pandanifolium Cham. & Schltdl.

*E. pandanifolium Cham. et Schldl., Linnaea 1: 336 [as 236] (1826)

Dull green, branched, erect perennial with a stout taproot. Stems hollow, striate, 1-3 m high. Basal lvs entire, linear, apetiolate, up to 1.5 m long × 5 cm at base; margins with small appressed spines 2-5 mm long; stem lvs similar to basal but reduced. Infl. much-branched; capitula numerous, ovoid to ovoid-cylindric, pedunculate, purplish, 5-8-(10) mm long; bracts and bracteoles entire, ovate-triangular, not exceeding fls in fresh material, 1-2 mm long. Fls numerous, purple-tinged, c. 2 mm diam.; calyx teeth ovate, c. 1 mm long. Fr. scaly, 1-3 mm long.

N.: known from one locality only, on a riverbank near New Plymouth.

Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina 1978

Mathias, M. E., Constance, L. and Araujo, D., in Flora Ilustrada Catarinense, 1 Parte, Umbe: 163 (1972), distinguished 3 vars; N.Z. specimens are referable to var. pandanifolium, sometimes known as E. decaisneanum. In dried specimens bracteoles exceed the fls but do not do so in fresh capitula at anthesis.

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