Echium L.
Annual, biennial or perennial, sometimes monocarpic, herbs or shrubs, ± hispid with bulbous-based hairs. Infl. usually paniculate, composed of bracteate cymes, sometimes up to several m high. Calyx 5-lobed, divided nearly to base, usually accrescent. Corolla narrowly to broadly funnelform, usually blue to purple, sometimes white or pink; limb oblique and ± zygomorphic; base of tube with minute scales, tufts of hair or with a membrane; throat lacking scales. Stamens unequal, exserted or partly included, inserted below middle of corolla tube. Style exserted; stigma capitate or 2-fid. Nutlets ovoid, slightly 3-angled, erect, rugose; base flat.
c. 40 spp., Europe, W. Asia, N. and South Africa, Macaronesia. Naturalised spp. 4.
Fls of all Echium spp. are illustrated in Fig. 41.
Fig. 41. Fls of Echium. A-B E. candicans, A lateral view, B front view; C-D E. pininana, C lateral view, D front view; E E. plantagineum, lateral view; F-G E. vulgare, F lateral view, G front view. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X50]