Myosotis L.
Annual, biennial or perennial, ± hairy herbs. Habit from cushion form to erect or sprawling. Infl. usually cymose, ebracteate or bracteate, often enlarged at fruiting. Calyx 5-toothed, often accrescent. Corolla ± rotate; tube short, infolded to form 5 scales at throat; limb of 5 equal lobes, patent or concave, contorted in bud, blue, purple, white, yellow, brown or orange. Stamens with anthers either partly below scales (sect. Myosotis) or wholly above them (sect. Exarrhena). Ovary 4-celled; style slender. Nutlets 4, ovoid, brown or black, smooth and glossy, often with a distinct rim.
c. 50 spp., temperate Eurasia, tropical montane Africa, South Africa, Australasia. Native spp. 34, naturalised 6.
Fig. 42. Fls of Myosotis. A M. discolor; B M. laxa; C M. sylvatica. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X51]