Ranunculus depressus var. stewartiae G.Simpson & J.S.Thomson
Type: BD 59452, banks of Freshwater River, Stewart Id, G. Simpson ― "Flowers throughout summer and autumn."
Stolons short, arching. Laminae 4-8 mm. diam., crenately ± 3-lobed or toothed, on filiform petioles up to c. 2 cm. long. Fls subsessile at anthesis, 3-4 mm. diam.; sepals 5, ovate, obtuse, membr.; petals 5, yellow to greenish yellow, slightly > sepals, gland minute. Fruiting heads 5-6 mm. diam.; achenes ± 2 mm. diam., glab., slightly compressed, margined; style subulate, flattened at base, slightly hooked.
DIST.: N. "N.W. Ruahines: Reporoa c. 3900'; boggy margin of stream, A. P. Druce." BD 63124. S. Margins of Lake Katherine near head of George Sound, R. Mason. St. Streamsides and damp ground.