Ranunculus L.
Fls solitary to paniculately arrayed, perfect, regular, hypog. Sepals 3-5, deciduous or caducous; petals (0)-5-25 or more, yellow or white, with 1 or more nectary glands; stamens us. ∞; carpels in heads, us. ∞, with basal ovule; fr. of achenes. Annual to perennial herbs; lvs us. exstipulate, mostly radical, often variously lobed or dissected. Over 300 spp., chiefly of temperate regions. Of the N.Z. spp. forms of R. hirtus, R. lappaceus and R. rivularis occur in Australia and Tasmania; of R. acaulis in Tasmania and Chile. R. biternatus has a wide range in austral regions.
Plant us. with unbranched stems; nectary gland placed higher on petal; achenes compressed
Lamina 3-8 cm. long, reniform in outline, biternately multifid; ultimate segs narrow-linear; petioles 1-4 cm. long
Lamina 2-5 cm. diam., suborbicular or broader than long, 3-lobed to about middle, truncate to cordate at base
Lamina 3-foliolate; terminal lflt stalked, lateral sessile or subsessile (some laminae may be entire or shallowly lobed)
Lamina 3-5-foliolate; all lflts stalked, or lamina still further divided into stalked lflts
Plant very slender; most lvs 3-foliolate; cauline lvs spathulate, bract-like, or absent
Fig. 6. RANUNCULUS. Achenes. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X1S]
Fig. 7. RANUNCULUS. Achenes. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X1T]