Cardamine depressa var. stellata (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
C. stellata Hook. f. Fl. Antarct. 1, 1844, 7, t. 4a.
Type: K, "in gravelly debris at foot of a precipice on the windward side of Campbell Island", J. D. Hooker.
Whole plant ± clad in subhispid white hairs; lvs stellately arranged in dense rosettes seldom > 4 cm. diam. Lvs c. 1·5 cm. long, entire to occ. lobed. Infl. compact, c. 2 cm. long; siliques c. 1 cm. long, style subulate. Seeds up to 10.
DIST.: A., C. Lowland to upland rocky places. Whether this is a habitat- induced modification of the commoner glab. plant or genetically distinct is not certainly known. Linking forms occur.
The arrangement of Schulz (loc. cit.) may be summarized as follows:
1 Lvs simple; rarely with 1 or 2 minute lateral lflts2
Lvs trifoliolate, pinnate or bipinnate4
2 Plant quite glab.; seeds 16-203
Plant with lvs and sepals ciliate; seeds 12-16stellata
3 Lvs c. 1·5 cm. longdepressa
Lvs c. 3·5 cm. longdepressa var. acaulis
4 Fls 1-3-(4) mm. long5
Fls 4-15 mm. long8
5 Fls 1-2 mm. long; petals absentcorymbosa
Fls 2.5-3-(4) mm. long; petals present6
6 Ovary quite glabdebilis var. leiocarpa
Ovary with at least some hairs7
7 Stems, at least in lower part, rather densely hairy: styles minutedebilis var. hirtella
Stems glab., or with very sparse hairs; styles 1·5-2.5 mm. longdebilis var. macrostylis
8 Stock comosely clad in bases of dead lvsdebilis
Stock not so cladglacialis var. subcarnosa