Fls perfect, regular, or nearly so, us. in bractless racemes; sepals 4, petals 4-(0); stamens us. 6, tetradynamous; anthers 2-(1)-celled. Ovary us. of 2 united carpels divided by a thin membrane into "cells"; stigmas 2, often connate; fr. us. dehiscent. Seeds us. without endosperm; cots accumbent [0= ] incumbent [0|| ] or sts conduplicate [0)) ]. Annual to perennial herbs or subshrubs with mostly alt. exstipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan with some 350 genera and 2500 spp.
The N.Z. genera are us. placed in the tribes:
1. LEPIDEAE-Fr. a silicle, cots incumbent: 1: Lepidium, 2. Notothlaspi, 3. Pachycladon.
2. ARABIDEAE-Fr. a silique, cots accumbent: 4. Cardamine, 5. Cheesemania, 6. Rorippa.
3. SISYMBRIEAE-Fr. a silique, cots incumbent: 7. Ischnocarpus.
Notothlaspi, Pachycladon are endemic.
Fig. 8. CRUCIFERAE. Silicles: Notothlaspi, Pachycladon, Rorippa, Lepidium. Siliques: Ischnocarpus, Cheesemania. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X1U]