Erechtites quadridentatus var. traversii Allan
Type: W, "Chatham Islands, Herbarium Colonial Museum, coll. W. Travers".
Mid lvs c. 6-7 × 1 cm., lanceolate, acute, entire towards apex, denticulate towards widened base, semiamplexicaul and furnished with large, deeply acutely dentate auricles; clad on both surfaces in loose cobwebby tomentum, becoming nearly glab. above in age. Upper lvs linear, entire or subentire, with small auricles, diminishing from c. 4 cm. long to linear bracts of infl. Infl. compactly subcorymbose with ∞ clustered capitula on slender hairy pedicels. Capitula c. 7 mm. long; phyll. c. 6 mm. long, hairy at base. Achenes c. 1-1·5 mm. long, grooved, scabridulous, slightly narrowed to apex.
DIST.: Ch.