Compositae Giseke
Fls (florets) densely clustered in heads (capitula) on a common receptacle invested by an involucre of imbricating phyllaries in 1 or more series. Florets all similar (head homogamous) or disk-florets and ray-florets dissimilar (head heterogamous). Calyx united to ovary crowned by pappus of hairs or scales or nude. Corolla ligulate or tubular; stamens 5, epicorolline; anthers syngenesious, often appendaged. Ovary inferior, 1-celled; ovule basal, anatropous. Style branched into 2 stigmatic arms. Fr. an achene. A nearly cosmopolitan family with over 900 genera and 14000 spp. Practically all the main growth-forms are represented. Endemic to N.Z. are: Brachyglottis, Haastia, Kirkianella, Leucogenes, Pachystegia, Pleurophyllum, Traversia.
Tribes 1-5 are often grouped as subfamily TUBULIFLORAE., and 6 as subfamily LIGULIFLORAE.