Enterographa bella R.Sant.
Holotype: New Zealand. Wellington, Colonial Knob. On leaves of Polystichum hispidum. H. H. Allan, 1944, UPS!
Thallus 3-4 mm diam., circular at first then confluent, continuous, smooth, greenish-grey with a slight yellow tinge, shining, foliicolous. Lirellae linear, irregularly bent or undulate, often branched 0.5-0.8(-1.0) mm long, 0.15-0.2 mm broad, slightly raised, disc exposed when wet, c. 0.1 mm broad, yellow-brown, concave, hidden when dry. Ascospores irregularly arranged, 7-septate, ± fusiform, broadest at the third or fourth cell from one end, 22-29 × 4-5 µm with a 3-4 µm thick halo.
N: Known only from the type collection.