Enterographa Fée
Thallus crustose, effuse, corticate or ecorticate, corticolous or saxicolous. Photobiont green, Trentepohlia or Phycopeltis. Ascocarps lirelliform, simple and ± punctiform to elongate, stellate or irregular, adnate or immersed, pale or dark brown or black. Asci bitunicate, clavate, 8-spored. Hypothecium pale. Paraphyses reticulately branched. Ascospores transversely 3-7-septate, fusiform or ± acicular with thin septa, colourless.
Enterographa is a genus of c. 30, mainly tropical, species included in the family Opegraphaceae. It contains corticolous, saxicolous and foliicolous taxa. Useful information on the genus is found in the accounts of Redinger [ Feddes Repert. 45: 171-177 (1938)] and Santesson [ Symb. bot. upsal. 12: 104-108 (1952)]. The genus is much in need of study and collection in New Zealand. Five species are recorded here.