Enterographa neozelandica Redinger
Thallus 1-1.5 mm thick, smooth, brownish-grey to ± ochraceous-brownish, matt, spreading in patches, saxicolous. Lirellae immersed, scattered, abundant, rounded or elliptical 0.5-1.0 mm long, simple, straight or slightly curved, furcate, margins slightly raised, whitish, disc narrow, 0.3 mm wide, black. Hymenium colourless 150-180 µm tall. Paraphyses slightly branched. Ascospores 3-septate, fusiform shallowly curved to subsigmoid, 32-45 × 4-5 µm.
S: Southland (Tautuku Bay, Bluff, Pahia Point). Coastal.
Redinger (loc. cit.) distinguishes two varieties based on colour differences, var. murina Redinger, being grey-brown to ashy-grey, and var. ochracea Redinger, ochraceous-yellowish to olive-brown. Types (W) for both varieties remain to be designated and additional collection and study should show whether subspecific rank might be warranted.