Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Oreostylidium subulatum (Hook.f.) Berggr.

O. subulatum (Hook. f.) Bergg. in Minneskr. fisiogr. Sällsk. Lund 8, 1877, 2, t. 1.

Stylidium (?) subulatum Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 168.

Type locality: "Nelson Mountains". Type: K, Mr Locke Travers, 1861.

Glab. herb with short stock, deeply descending taproot, emitting slender stolons or rhizomes with internodes up to ± 6 cm. long. Lvs densely tufted, spreading, ± recurved, sessile, entire, 10-40 × 1-2-(3) mm., linear, shallowly concavo-convex, mucronate, sts almost pungent. Peduncles 1-fld, rather stout, glab. to pubescent, sts still not > 5 mm. long when capsule mature, sts elongating to ± 2 cm long. Bracts, if present, lflike. Fls 4-5 mm. diam.; receptacle adnate to ovary, ± glandular-pubescent. Calyx-lobes 1-2 mm. long, persistent, ascending, oblong, obtuse, ± mucronate. Corolla-lobes patent, oblong, obtuse, white. Capsule 5-8 × 4-5 mm., broad-ovoid to subglobose to obovoid.

DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to lower subalpine damp grassland, boggy ground and herbfield, from c. lat. 38° southwards, rather local.

FL. 11-3. FT. 1-6.

Colenso (T.N.Z.I. 20, 1888, 197) described his O. affine from plants collected "In swampy ground at west base of Mount Tongariro . . . 1887: Mr. H. Hill." He separates it from O. subulatum by: "Scape slender, erect, 1/2 inch high, with a broad foliaceous bract about the middle, glandular-hairy (as also the calyx and ovary), hairs tipped with globular black heads . . .Ovary large, (for plant), 11/2 lines long, oblong, sub-cylindrical, tapering and jointed on to scape."

Long-peduncled forms occur also in northern South Id. Plants grow readily in cultivation, and more detailed study would be worthwhile.

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