Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Fls mostly 5-merous, irregular, perfect to unisexual, solitary or in racemes. Receptacle adnate to ovary; calyx-lobes free or connate and 2-lipped; corolla-lobes imbricate. Stamens 2-(3); filaments free from corolla, connate into a column surrounding style. Ovary inferior, 2-(1)-celled; capsule with ∞ seeds; embryo minute, endosperm cop. Mostly herbs with watery sap, radical or imbricate exstipulate simple lvs. Some 6 genera and 125 spp., mostly of Australia, Tasmania, N.Z.


Fls sessile; stems very close-set; plants forming dense hard cushions
Fls peduncled; stems not close-set; plants not forming dense hard cushions
Peduncles elongate; lvs of oblong order, distributed along stem; plants not stoloniferous
Peduncles short; lvs of linear order, in tufts; plants stoloniferous
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