Thelotrema weberi Hale
Thallus pale whitish-buff to pale olivaceous, surface unevenly and irregularly wrinkled-plicate or minutely verrucose, irregularly cracked, matt. Apothecia in thalline warts 0.2-1.2 mm diam., concolorous with thallus, not constricted at base, pore conspicuous, rounded, 0.02-0.2 mm diam., exciple detached, forming an interior ring. Ascospores 2-8 per ascus, colourless, oval, ellipsoid, straight or curved, thick-walled, muriform, I+ blue, 60-90 × (10-)20-24 µm. Chemistry: Norstictic acid.
N: Known from only one collection, near Wellington, J. Buchanan ex Herb. Stirton (BM).
The rather fragmentary New Zealand material agrees well with typical material from New Guinea - the type locality of T. weberi is Mt Willhelm at 3490 m. It is the only species of the genus in New Zealand to contain norstictic acid.