Thelotrema circumscriptum C.Knight
Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, WELT, Herb. Knight, Vol. 35A, p. 2! A collection from the Bay of Islands made by Mr Paton (ex Herb. Stirton) is in BM.
Thallus pale buff-yellowish or olivaceous, thin, continuous or cracked, not areolate, somewhat ridged, minutely wrinkled-papillate or minutely maculate (faint, white marbling, see × 10 lens), delimited at margins by a thin, wavy black line, forming mosaics with neighbouring thalli. Apothecia in shallow, ± conical, smooth dimples, 0.02-0.9 mm diam., pore central, slightly depressed, 0.01-0.1 mm diam., margins smooth, swollen, concolorous with thallus. Hymenium colourless, 90-100 µm thick. Ascospores 8 per ascus, transversely- septate (12-15-locular) colourless, locules oval, straight, apices rounded or one end attenuate-acute, 34-56 × 6.8-12 µm. Chemistry: Salazinic acid (K+ yellow → red).
N: From lat. 35° to Wellington, on bark of trees in coastal forest.