Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Thelotrema saxatile C.Knight

T. saxatile Knight, T.N.Z.I. 8: 327 (1876).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight 1.2.82, WELT, Herb. Knight, Vol. 36, p. 12!

Thallus thin, dingy grey-green or grey-white, fawnish or pale olivaceous, granular-warted, irregularly or shallowly areolate, effuse or lacking, in irregular patches 1-2(-4) cm diam. Apothecia sessile, hemispherical, flattened apically, 0.3-1.2 mm diam., margins entire, swollen, concolorous with thallus, pore neatly rounded, 0.04-0.2 mm diam., exciple indistinct, disc indistinct. Ascospores 1 per ascus, colourless at first, brown at maturity, muriform, broadly ellipsoid, straight or slightly curved, apices rounded or slightly pointed at one end, (110-)120-170(-190) × 25-42 µm. Chemistry: Nil.

N: Known only from the type collection.


T. saxatile is related to T. monosporum but grows on rocks. It is here kept separate, although Salisbury [ Lichenologist 5: 272 (1972)] claims that it is a synonym of T. monosporum.

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