Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Gunnera arenaria Cheeseman

G. arenaria Cheesem. in Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 27, 1895, 348.

Type locality: Sand-dunes, Waitakerei R. Type: W, Kirk Herb., Cheeseman.

Stolons rather stout, us. creeping through sand, branched, up to c. 4 dm. long. Lvs on stout, ± flat, amplexicaul petioles up to 5 cm. long. Lamina rather diversely shaped (on same plant) oblong to ovate to subrhombic, cuneate to subcordate at base, subcoriac., grey-green, 7-12-(20) × 9-15 mm., subglab., coarsely crenate, sts lobed. Infl. up to 7 cm. long, fls sessile. ♂ with filiform calyx-lobes, minute bracts; petals 2, about lanceolate, glab., ± 2 mm. long; filaments obsolete. ♀ with triangular calyx-lobes ± 6 mm. long; styles filiform, up to 5 mm. long. Drupes clavate to obconic, patent to pend., ± apiculate, on elongated scapes, yellow to pale red, ± 4-6 mm. long.

Dist.: N., S., St. Coastal dune-hollows and moors throughout, but local.

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