Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Gunnera albocarpa (Kirk) Cockayne

G. albocarpa (Kirk) Ckn. Rep. Bot. Surv. St. Id 1909, 43.

G. monoica var. albocarpa Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 27, 1895, 344.

Type locality: Southland. Type: W, "Sandy Point, Southland. T. Waugh, 10 Feb. 1895." Labelled and tagged 1087.

Stolons up to ± 4 mm. diam. Petioles up to 10 cm. (sts more) long, canaliculate, ± strigose-hairy. Lamina dark-green, at first sparsely hairy, cordate-reniform to suborbicular; sts truncate or cuneately narrowed to base (on same plant); 10-15-(20) × 15-18-(25) mm., occ. more; subcoriac.; lobes 3-5-(7); margins coarsely crenate to dentate-apiculate (on same lf). Infl. paniculate, us. much-branched, up to ± 15 cm. long, sts reduced. Fls as in G. monoica, ♀ compacted, style ± 4 mm. Drupes subglobose to subovoid, white, compacted, ± 2.5 mm. long.

Dist.: N., S., St. Lowland to montane damp places, by streams and on rocks in forest and grassland from lat. 39° southwards.

FL. 10-12. FT. 1-2.

Kirk (loc. cit.) remarks: "A remarkable form of this plant collected at Kew and Woodend in 1880 has erect or suberect branches 12 in.-18 in. long, with from 4 to 6 shortly-petioled fleshy leaves, crowded at each node." Specimen 1086 in W, from " Kew near Invercargill, T. Kirk" is labelled by Kirk as G. monoica var. albocarpa. The stolons are stout, now flattened, c. 2-3 mm. diam.; internodes ± 7 cm. long; nodes without evidence of rooting.

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