Ranunculus brevis Garn.-Jones
Tufted perennial, occasionally forming offset rosettes, to 5 cm tall; rhizome 0. Lvs deltoid, finely 1-2-ternatifid with linear segments, hairy, 1-3 cm long. Fls solitary, c. 1 cm diam., on short, erect, hairy scapes. Sepals spreading, glabrous or with a few hairs. Petals 5, yellow, oblong-obovate; nectary single, c. 1 mm from petal base, with a semilunar scale. Receptacle hairy. Achenes few, hardly flattened, glabrous; body 1.2-2 mm long; beak curved at tip, 0.3-0.5 mm long.
S.: montane to subalpine areas E. of the Main Divide, local.
Swampy ground on river terraces and lake shores.
This sp. was formerly known by the illegitimate name R. depressus Kirk.