Schizeilema haastii (Hook.f.) Domin
Pozoa haastii Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 88.
Pozoa elegans Col. in T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 386.
Azorella haastii Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 192.
Type locality: Hunter R. 3500-4500 ft. "amongst rocky and shingly places". Type: K, Haast, April 1863.
Glab. herb with lvs tufted at nodes of rhizomes, often emitting stolons bearing offset plants. Lvs on stout petioles (2)-3-7·5-(15) cm. or even longer, expanded and sheathing at base. Lamina glab. to strigose, (5)-25-(40) mm. diam., reniform to suborbicular, subcoriac. to fleshy, shallowly rather coarsely crenate; margins ± thickened; sinus narrow to open, or base cordate. Stipules ciliate, sts laciniate, to fimbriate. Umbels often compound, on peduncles up to c. 15 mm. long, up to ± 15 mm. diam.; rays us. ∞.Involucral bracts linear-oblong, up to c. 5mm. long or ± foliaceous at base of main umbel. Fls (3)-(20)-50, crowded. Fr. tetragonous, ± 2 mm. long on pedicels up to c. 6·5 mm. long. Mericarps obscurely to distinctly 5-ribbed.
DIST.; N., S. Montane to subalpine rocky and stony places and fellfield from Ruahine Range southwards.
FL. 12-2. FT. 1-3.
A somewhat polymorphic sp., easily separable into two main groups corresponding to Domin's subspp. (loc. cit. 581-583). He distinguishes them by the following key: "Minor, laminis c.5-10 mm. longis, fructibus pedicellis haud multo brevioribus, petalis cyaneis Subsp. cyanopetalum Major, laminis c. 12-30 mm. longis, fructibus pedicellis usque 4-plo brevioribus Subsp. Hookerianum"