Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Schizeilema trifoliolatum (Hook.f.) Domin

S. trifoliolatum (Hook. f.) Domin loc. cit. 578.

Pozoa trifoliolata Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1853, 85, t. 18.

Azorella hookeri Drude in Pflanzenfam. 3, 1898. 132.

A. trifoliolata Kirk stud. Fl. 1899, 193 non Gay Fl. Chil. 3, [1847-48], 85.

Type locality: Probably Ruahine Range. Type: K, Colenso 1693.

Stems filiform, branching, creeping, rooting at nodes, up to c. 3 dm. long, forming large patches. Lvs clustered at nodes, 3-foliolate, on slender petioles up to c. 8 cm. long; stipules ciliate; lamina membr. to subcoriac., glab. or nearly so, occ. with sparse strigose hairs. Lflts ± 15 × 10 mm., on petioles c. 3mm. long, broad obovate-oblong to obovate-cuneate; 2-6-lobed or obtusely toothed towards apex, occ. apiculate. Peduncles us. 2-3 together, filiform, ± 1-2-(3) cm. long. Umbels 2-8-fld; involucral bracts narrow-triangular to linear-oblong. ciliate. Fr. subtetragonous, > pedicel. Mericarps rounded on dorsal edge, 2-3 mm. long, obscurely 5-ribbed.

DIST.: N., S. Lowland to subalpine slow-flowing shallow rivulets and flushed ground throughout.

Domin, loc. cit. 578, describes: "f. fallax m. Azorella radians Drude I.c [Pflanzenfam. 3, 1898, 132] nomen nudum! Differt a typo foliolis brevius petiolatis, nunc lateralibus fere sessilibus medioque tantum distincte petiolato, nune vice versa medio fere sessili et lateralibus petiolatis. Leg. Petrie (Herb. Berol., specim. authent Azorellae radiantis Drude!)."

Colenso (T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 387) includes in his description of his Pozoa (Azorella) microdonta : "Leaves 2-6 at each node, erect, 3-foliolate; leaflets equal . . . each 3-4 (sometimes 6-7) lines diameter, margined, minutely and regularly serrulate . . . 5-6 crenate-lobed; lobes rounded, each mucronate at extremity of vein . . .petiolules 1 1/2- 2 lines long; petioles slender, 3 in.-5 in. long . . . Umbels . . . 2-4- (rarely 6-10-) flowered, their stems stout. Involucral leaves 1-2 lines long, linear-ovate acuminate, lacero-ciliate . . . calyx-teeth small, membranous, broadly triangular, abruptly acuminate. Petals . . . abruptly acuminate . . . whitish, purple-dashed. Fruit oblong. turgid, ribs obsolete. Hab. Forming large close-growing patches, or little beds, wood south of Dannevirke . . . October, 1889-90: W.C." There is a specimen in W from Dannevirke labelled "Type of Pozoa microdonta Col." but without a Colenso label. It fits Colenso's description well, except that the "serrulations" of the cartilaginous margins are very minute indeed.

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