Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Archeria racemosa

A. racemosa Hook. f. Handbk N.Z. Fl. 1864, 180.

Type locality: Great Barrier Id. Type: K, Capt. Rough, 1850--lvs ± 2.5 cm. long.

Erect shrub up to c. 5 m. tall; branches spreading; bark black. Lvs patent, coriac., ± fascicled, rigid, subsessile or cuneately narrowed to very short flat petiole; ± 25-40 × 8-12 mm., about obovate- to elliptic-oblong; veins 3-5, rather indistinct; margins slightly recurved; apex acute, apiculate, sts almost pungent. Infl. us. a solitary terminal raceme, occ. 2-3 together, 25-40 mm. long, 10-20-(30)-fld; axis pubescent, pedicels short, stout, curved. Bracts pinkish, ciliolate, caducous, basal one up to 1 cm. long, remaining pair smaller and adjacent to calyx. Fls c. 6 mm. long; calyx-lobes almost free, c. 2 mm. long, oblong-lanceolate, obtuse; margins ciliolate. Corolla c. 6mm. long; tube 4 mm. long; lobes 2 mm. long, ovate-oblong, us, bright pink. Ovary deeply 5-lobed; style stout, persistent. Capsule 2-3 mm. diam., subglobose; locules 5-(3)

DIST.: N. Lowland to montane shrubland and forest margins; Great and Little Barrier Is, Thames to near East Cape and little south of lat. 38º (Maungawaru, A. P. Druce).

FL. 1-2. FT. 2-4.

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