Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Archgeria Hook.f.

ARCHGERIA Hook. f., 1844

Fls 5-merous, in small terminal racemes; bracts of peduncle caducous. Calyx-lobes free almost to base; corolla-tube rather broad, lobes spreading or recurved; staminal filaments very short, inserted at throat. Hypog. disk cupular or of free scales. Ovary deeply lobed; style columnar. inserted in a depression at apex of ovary; stigma ± distinctly 5-lobed.Capsule loculicidally dehiscent, seeds ∞, on basilar or subbasilar placentae. Some 5 spp of Tasmania and 2 endemic to N.Z.


Lvs ± 25-40 × 7-12 mm., obovate- to elliptic-oblong; fls c. 6 mm. Long
Lvs ± 10-20 × 1·5-4 mm., mostly of lanceolate to elliptic order: fls not > 5 mm. Long
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