Scabiosa L.
Annual or perennial herbs; stems without prickles. Lvs opposite, simple or often pinnate, mostly in basal rosettes. Infl. a flattened, hemispheric, or cylindric capitulum; involucral bracts usually linear-lanceolate, sometimes crowded, obtuse to acute; receptacular bracts lacking spines. Involucel-tube cylindric, 8-ribbed, expanding above at fruiting into a flattened, membranous corona with many veins. Calyx prolonged into 5 setae, persistent at fruiting. Corolla unequally 5-lobed; tube short, usually longer in marginal than central fls. Stamens 4. Fr. ovoid, ribbed, pitted, or obscurely angled, glabrous to hairy, bearing the corona and setae.
100 spp., temperate Eurasia, Mediterranean, mountains of E. Africa, South Africa. Naturalised spp. 3.
Fig. 56. Frs of Scabiosa. A S. anthemifolia; B S. atropurpurea; C S. caucasica. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5G]