Scabiosa anthemifolia
ζ*S. anthemifolia Ecklon et C. Zeyher ζ*, scabious, is known from only 2 collections (CHR 309799, Big Rock Beach, Heaphy Track, N.W. Nelson, Sykes 48/76, 30.1.1976; AK 134012, Redwoods Valley, Waimea, Souljé, 15.11.1970). A perennial forming a loose mat, densely clothed in soft hairs. Lower lvs petiolate, simple and coarsely crenate to lyrate-pinnatifid; upper lvs becoming 1-2-pinnatisect with narrower lobes. Heads 3-5-(6.5) cm diam. Fls pink to mauve. Fr. with 8 grooves on involucel-tube; corona c. 3 mm long, slightly < tube, with 20-25 veins; calyx setae 6-10 mm long. This sp. is commonly cultivated and can be expected as an occasional escape as it seeds freely in gardens. The fr. (Fig. 56) clearly distinguishes it from S. atropurpurea. S. anthemifolia has been confused with S. columbaria, which is cultivated but not wild, and has previously been recorded under that name in N.Z. (South Africa, 1979).