Xanthoparmelia molliuscula
Parmelia molliuscula Ach., Lich. Univ.: 492 (1810).
Thallus foliose to ± subfruticose, to 5 cm diam., rosette-forming, loosely attached, terricolous. Lobes convex, narrow at apices (1-3 mm wide), broader (6 mm) at base, subdichotomously branching, subcanaliculate, becoming subterete, ascending at apices. Upper surface yellowish-green, smooth, often shining, isidia, maculae and soredia absent. Lower surface yellowish-brown to dark red-brown, shining, wrinkled, often shallowly faveolate. Rhizines rather sparse, short, brown, simple, rarely with a squarrose tuft at the tips. Apothecia and pycnidia not seen. Chemistry: Cortex K-; medulla K+ yellow-orange, C-, KC-, Pd± orange. Constictic, norstictic, stictic and usnic acids.
S: East of the Main Divide in dry inland basins of Marlborough, Canterbury and Otago. On soil in grasslands; montane and subalpine, often in association with X. amphixantha, Chondropsis semiviridis and Siphula coriacea. X. molliuscula is a terricolous species similar in habit and range to X. amphixantha but distinguished from it by chemistry, rhizine morphology and the absence of maculae.
Southern xeric