Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Acaena anserinifolia var. paucidens (Bitter) Allan

Var. paucidens (Bitter) Allan comb. nov. 

A. sanguisorbae Vahl var. paucidens Bitter in Fedde Repert. nov. Spec. Regn. veg. 10, 1912, 496.

Type locality: "probably Mt. Torlesse, Cockayne, 1902, no. 641". Isotype ? BD 6357. Also at head of Long Sound, Preservation Inlet, by streamside.

Lvs not > 5 cm. long, stipules lanceolate, with one or two teeth, not > 5 mm. long; lflts 9-11; upper lflts c. 6-8 mm. long, dentate with seldom more than 9 teeth, broadly oblong to obovate-oblong, glab. or nearly so above, pilose on veins below.


Var. diminuta Bitter in Fedde Repert. nov. Spec. Regn. veg. 10, 1912, 496 (as var. of subsp. profundeincisa). Described as much smaller than other forms of the subsp., lvs not > 2.5 cm. long, stipules 5 mm. long, upper lflts 5-6 mm. long, densely pilose below. Type locality: fell-field on Mount Torlesse, Canterbury, 1000 m., Cockayne. Possibly a dwarfed subalpine modification.

Bitter (loc. cit. 1911, 270) described his subsp. profundeincisa from a cultivated plant that he had no doubt came from N.Z. "Stipulae 7-9: 3 mm., profunde 5-6-fidae, supra rubescentes, lamina 11-(plerumque) 13-foliolata . . . foliola . . . superiora 9-11: 6-7 mm., supra subglauci-vimdia . . . subtus glauci-cinerea, appresse sericei-pilosa, praecipue in venis et in marginibus, supra parcius breviusque pilosa, nonnihil densius in superficie dentium . . ."

Without referring them to any of his subspp. of his aggregate sp. sanguisorbae Bitter (loc. cit. 1911, 253) keys some Chatham Is forms as follows:

(a) lamina 11-foliolata, foliola supra setis paucis brevibus crassioribusque praeditaVar. 15 epilasia Bitt.

(b) lamina 13-foliolata.

1. foliola superiora supra praeter dentes parce pilosos glabra, praccipue in marginibus, parcius in superficie exsudationibus albidis praeditaVar. 16 exsudans Bitt.

2. foliola etiam inferiora supra fere omnino glabra exsudationibus quoque non manifestisVar. 17 obtusata Bitt.

His Chatham Is material was that collected by Krull, deposited in herb. Berol. He remarks (loc. cit. 273): "Trotz der Unzulänglichkeit der mir zur Verfügung stehenden Specimina (vor allem wegen des Fehlens ausgebildeter Früchte) schien mir eine Darstellung des Ermittelten in der hier vorliegenden Form notwendig".

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