Limonium Mill.
Mostly perennial herbs or subshrubs, occasionally arborescent, sometimes annual. Lvs simple, often in basal rosettes, sometimes densely tufted on branches or alternate along stems, often 0 at flowering. Infl. a cymose panicle, sometimes flattened, or fls in bracteate, ± secund spikelets which are sometimes aggregated into elongated spikes, often with a scale at the base of each branch. Fls 1-5 in spikelets, each spikelet with 3 bracteoles. Calyx campanulate or funnelform, 10-ribbed at base; limb scarious, usually coloured, sometimes dentate between lobes, persistent. Corolla tube short or almost 0; segments clawed. Stamens adnate to base of corolla segments. Styles 5, free or connate at base; stigmas filiform. Fr. with circumscissile or irregular dehiscence.
150-300 spp., widespread along coasts of the Old World, especially Macaronesia, Mediterranean region, also inland on steppes eastwards to C. Asia. Naturalised spp. 2.
As circumscribed here, Limonium includes Statice Willd., under which generic name most spp. in cultivation here have been known until recently. In addition to the 2 annual spp. below, several perennial spp. are now popular in cultivation.