Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Rubus tuberculatus Bab.

*R. tuberculatus Bab., Fl. Camb.  306  (1860)

(C.J.W., D.R.G.)

Semi-erect, scrambling shrub; primocanes arching, purplish, sub-terete to slightly angled, with many, subsessile and long-stalked glandular hairs, otherwise sparsely clothed in stellate hairs; armature of numerous, rather soft, erect prickles on angles and faces, and numerous pricklets on faces and angles. Young stems moderately hairy and glandular. Leaflets 3-5, sparsely to moderately pilose on upper surface, moderately to densely pilose especially on veins but lacking tomentum on lower surface, serrate-dentate; terminal leaflet lamina elliptic to obovate, acuminate, up to 90 × 60 mm, with petiolule c. 1/4 length of lamina. Stipules lanceolate to elliptic and somewhat leafy. Sepals tomentose. Petals shortly notched, crinkled, pink-flushed.

S.: Nelson (Waimea R. and Plains), Westland (lower Grey Valley).

Europe 1988

Roadsides and hedgerows.

FL Dec-Feb.

This entity is one of the many Rubi Corylifolii described for Europe; these are hybrids between R. caesius L. and members of the R. fruticosus agg. In this sp., as in R. caesius and R. flagellaris, the sepals remain ± erect after flowering.

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