Acaena caesiiglauca (Bitter) Bergmans
A. sanguisorbae Vahl subsp. caesiiglauca Bitter in Bibl. bot., Stuttgart 74, 1911, 269.
Main stems rather stout, procumbent, rooting; branches densely pilose, ascending, c. 5 cm. long. Lvs 3·5-5 cm. long (on main stems up to 10 cm. long), 7-9-foliolate. Stipules lanceolate, simple or 1-2-fid. Lflts grey-glaucous on both surfaces, rather sparingly hairy above, clothed in silky hairs below; upper lflts up to 12 mm. long, dentate, subsessile; terminal lflt on petiolule up to 5 mm. long. Scapes densely pilose, up to 15 cm. long, with one or more pairs of bracts, sts with solitary fls in axils. Heads up to 2 cm. diam. including spines. Cupules obconic, 4-angled, densely pilose. Spines up to 5 mm. long, clear brown, sts with small accessory spines. Sepals lanceolate, densely hairy below. Stamens 2, rarely 3; anthers white. Stigma white, plumose.
DIST.: S. Montane and subalpine grassland and open ground, widespread.
Bitter distinguishes var. brevibracteata, loc. cit. 270, with the bractlets not exceeding the florets (Type locality: Dunedin, Otago. Type: D. Petrie "ex herb. D. Petrie in herb. Turic.") and var. involucrata, loc. cit. 270, with bractlets prominent, forming an involucre (Type locality: Starvation Gully, Canterbury, c. 900 m. Type: L. Cockayne, Herb. Monac.).