Davallia tasmanii Field
D. tasmani Cheesem. T.N.Z.I. 23, 1891, 416.
Type: A, Great Island, T. F. C. No. 419/1. Endemic.
Rhizome stout, elongate, c. 15 mm. diam., very densely clad in dark brown subulate-attenuate squarrose ciliate paleae; stipites distributed. Stipes stout, rigid, glab., dark brown, 5-25 cm. long. Rhachis stout, paler. Lamina 10-30 × 7-24 cm., broadly deltoid, very coriac., 2-3-pinnate. Lower primary pinnae broadly deltoid to rhomboid, up to 15 × 5 cm.; upper smaller, about ovate-lanceolate. Secondary pinnae oblong to ovate-oblong, up to 3 × 1 cm., pinnatisect or again pinnate. Tertiary pinnae or final segs oblong, subacute to obtuse, hardly attaining 5 mm. long. Sori us. found on each seg., submarginal. Indusium c. 2 mm. long, narrowly or rather broadly cup-shaped.
DIST.: Three Kings Is. Common as epiphyte on shrubs and trees.
Original and usual spelling tasmani. The name us. attributed to Cheeseman, but Field does not indicate that the epithet was suggested by Cheeseman.