Corokia A.Cunn.
Fls small, 5-merous, bright yellow, in axillary or terminal panicles, racemes, fascicles, or solitary. Receptacle turbinate; calyx-segs valvate. Petals valvate, with small scale at base. Stamens 5. Ovary 1-2-celled, stigma 2-lobed. Drupe ovoid to broad-oblong in outline, crowned by persistent sepals. Shrubs with alt. lvs; young branchlets, petioles, lvs below, peduncles and pedicels densely clad in appressed silvery-white tomentum. Genus endemic to N.Z.
Lvs 5-25 mm. long, of obovate to orbicular order; fls fascicled or solitary; branches ± zigzag and entangled
Lvs 5-15 cm. long, of lanceolate to oblanceolate order; fls panicled or racemed; branches spreading, not zigzag, not entangled
Lvs 5-15 cm. or more long, of lanceolate order; fls panicled; drupes c. 6-7 mm. long
Lvs 5-10 cm. long, of oblong to oblanceolate order; fls racemed; drupes c. 8-10 mm. long