Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Griselinia G.Forst.

GRISELINIA Forst. f., 1786

Scopolia J. R. et G. Forst. Char. Gen. Pl. 1776, 139 not of Jaquin 1764.

Fls small, 5-merous, unisexual, in panicles or racemes. ♂ with minutely toothed calyx; petals imbricate; disk fleshy, 5-angled. ♀ without staminodes; receptacle ovoid to turbinate; sepals 5; petals 5, valvate, or 0; ovary 1-2-loculed; styles 3. Fr. us. 1-loculed, 1-seeded. Dioec. shrubs or trees with alt., very coriac., entire, exstipulate lvs; petioles dilated and slightly sheathing at base; lf-scars prominent. Genus of about 6 spp. endemic in Chile, 2 endemic in N.Z.


Lvs 7-18 cm. long, very unequal-sided at base of lamina; panicles 7-15 cm. long; petals of ♀ 0
Lvs 3-12 cm. long, not very unequal-sided at base of lamina; panicles or racemes 2-7·5 cm. long; petals present in ♀
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