Hebe amplexicaulis (J.B.Armstr.) Cockayne & Allan
Veronica amplexicaulis J. B. Armst. in N.Z. Ctry J. 3, 1879, 56.
Type locality: Upper Rangitata. Type: CM, J. F. Armstrong, 1869.
Small, us. decumbent shrub. Branchlets stout, almost or quite glab., length of internodes 1-3 × diam., older branches dark. Lvs loosely imbricate, c. 12-15 × 8-12 mm., broad-oblong, slightly concave, thick and glaucous; lf-bud without sinus, lf-base us. almost cordate; lamina only slightly narrowed to obtuse tip, entire, glab., midrib obscure. Infls lateral, simple (occ. tripartite), compact oblong spikes c. 15 × 8 mm., projecting well beyond lvs on villous peduncles c. 2 cm. long. Fls sessile, bracts c. 2.5 × 2 mm., us. obtuse, fringed with rather long cilia, sts with hairs scattered over surface. Calyx-lobes similar to bracts. Corolla white, tube narrow, > calyx, c. = rather narrow spreading lobes. Base of style and adjacent parts of ovary us. pubescent. Capsule rounded, ± didymous, little > calyx.
DIST.: S. Best known from the Rangitata-Mt. Peel mountains of Canterbury. On rocks in tussock-grassland.
FL. 11-3.