Scrophulariaceae Juss.
Fls perfect, irregular to subregular, us. bracted, solitary to racemed or paniculate; calyx us. deeply 4-5-lobed or -toothed; corolla gamopetalous, us. 4-5-lobed, others ± bilabiate. Stamens arising near base of corolla-tube, 4 and didynamous or 2, rarely 5, one pair sts reduced to staminodes; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally. Ovary superior, 2-loculed; placentation axile; style 1, stigmas simple, bilobed or occ. paired. Fr. a septicidal or loculicidal capsule. Herbs, subshrubs, shrubs or trees, occ. lianes, with opp. or alt., simple, entire or toothed or pinnatifidly lobed exstipulate lvs. Widespread family of some 220 genera and over 3000 spp., some members parasites or hemiparasites.
Fig. 33. SCROPHULARIACEAE. Fruits. Parahebe and Pygmea : anterior views above, lateral views below. Euphrasia : E. disperma lateral views, common one-seeded asymmetric form on left, rarer two-seeded symmetric form on right; E. cheesemanii lateral view on left, anterior view on right. Bracts shown in short-pedicelled species; capsules shown detached from longer calyces. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X1H]