Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cotoneaster bullatus

ζ*C. bullatus Bois

ζ*C. bullatus Bois ζ* has been recently collected wild on Conical Hill at Hanmer (N. Canterbury), and in Thomson's Bush, Invercargill. The plants were growing in shade and the lvs lack the characteristic bullate appearance caused by the impressed veins with puckered interveinal areas. However, the large, broadly elliptic-ovate lvs (5)-7-11 × (3)-3.5-6 cm, distinguish this sp. from the others naturalised in N.Z.; in addition, the lvs are green but remain densely hairy below and with scattered hairs above. Infl. an open corymb of c. 10 fls; petals pinkish, ± erect; frs 6-9 mm long, broadly obovoid or subglobose, deep shining crimson. The lf size suggests var. macrophyllus Rehder et Wilson but this may again be a consequence of a sheltered, shady habitat. C. bullatus is a rather uncommon sp. in cultivation. (W. China, 1988).

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